Withins Skyline
Club Fell Race
BookAbout Withins Skyline
6.2 mile 820ft : BM
Starting from Penistone Hill Country Park and circuiting The Stoop and Top Withens, returning by Bronte Bridge.
Starting from the quarry bottom on Penistone, the route heads out along the track to Drop Farm. The path then narrows and drops toward the beck that feeds Leeshaw Reservoir. From there it then climbs up crossing several boggy plateau to reach the Stoop Standing Stone. Follow the path along the watershed, descending slightly then start to ascend again towards the summit of Dick Delf Hill, but then bear off on a narrower path to the right. Eventually come through a gap in the wall to meet the paved path of he Pennine Way which leads to the ruins of Top Withens. Pass in front of the building then turn right down the footpath which leads back to Bronte Bridge. Cross the beck here then turn left and follow the tourist path back which after a while widens to a track. Just after you pass Middle Intake farm, bear right off the track and onto the path to take the shortest way back to the finish line on the cricket pitch.
15th October 2023
Penistone Hill Country Park, Keighley
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